From: (Charlie Bender)
Subject: Plyometric FAQ
Date: 18 May 1995
After one too many questions I have decided to put together a plyometrics FAQ. All information is for information purposes only. Feel free to distribute, hell even charge money for it if you want, just dont hold me responsible. Not that I have anything you could get anyway. Any comments please email me at
1) What are plyometrics?
2) Why should I care what they are?
3) What are good plyometric exercises for increasing vertical jump?
4) What are good plyometric exercises for increasing speed
5) Do strength shoes work? Where do I get them? How much do they cost?
Are there alternatives? Why are strength shoes included in a plyometrics FAQ?
6) What is a good book on plyometrics and where can I get it.
7) Are plyometrics dangerous?
8) Random thoughts
3) What are good plyometric exercises for increasing vertical jump? In all the above exercises you are using your body weight and gravity to load the muscle before contraction. The forces you generate are much larger than could be safely accomplished using conventional resistance (read weights) exercises. It is true these forces only exist for a brief amount of time, but they still stress the muscle which is the point.
Also these exercises can be combined. For example try jumping off a box before jumping up to the rim. 4) What are good plyometric exercises for increasing speed? 6) What is a good book on plyometrics and where can I get it? If you dont have great form, and you cant do at least 50 reps of regular squats at the weight dont even think about them. Also stay away if you have a bad back or knees. On the other hand the two foot ankle hop is very safe, and will offer good benefits. A good general test to see if you are ready for plyometrics is to stand and jump up as high as you can. Measure this height (chalk on your fingertips and a clean wall is a good way to measure). Then jump off a 18 inch box and jump as high as you can. If you can't reach as high as you could on the ground you would be better off hitting the weights and coming back later.
There are an infinite number of plyometric exercises to increase vertical leap but here are a few good ones:
While all of the above exercises will also increase your speed (leg speed), these are many others that just focus more on movement. Here are some examples:
The best book on plyometrics is Jumping
Into Plyometrics by Donald A. Chu. It has a great many exercises and good tips about how to put together a program. Also each exercise is cross referenced by what sport it helps. All in all a good book.
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