glenn bishop {michigan models}
jim shoemaker {george quaintance}
keith lewin {wpg}
keith lewin {wpg}
clive poster
clive poster
clive poster
clive poster
ernie lopez {gebbe}
ernie lopez {gebbe}
jim dardanis {wpg}
jim dardanis {wpg}
steve reeves {tony lanza}
jean-louis jean {arax of paris} buddy basil {togof} john leonard {vulcan}
don scott {russ warner}
don scott {russ warner}
bill robb {bruce of la}
oz wood {bruce of la}
glenn bishop
glenn bishop
glenn bishop
glenn bishop
glenn bishop
charles kassapian {arax of paris}
charles kassapian {arax of paris}
dick dubois {bob delmonteque}
mike sill {dave martin}
mike sill {dave martin}
{george quaintance}
{george quaintance}
{george quaintance}
{george quaintance}
david downey {jack sidney} gino ferrini {adam of new york}
{dom orejudos} {kris of chicago} bill robb {bruce of la} richard kirchner {lon of new york} dick harrison {jacque of hollywood} oz word {bruce of la} fred bortnik {togof}
bob storr {apollo} dick harrison {bob delmonteque} ricky desmond {vulcan} {amg}
{don wight} {christopher} {john palatinus} {glenn bishop} {wpg}
mike keller {california models} chuck ramsey {male today} joe eliason {adam of new york}
don scott {russ warner} {stanford st. george} ernie lopez {mark-one} {glenn bishop} {wpg} {vulcan}