Your BMR is the number of calories you'd burn over 24 hours while lying down but not sleeping. Your actual metabolic rate is estimated by adding the caloric cost of all the activities you engage in throughout the day to your BMR.
Men's BMR = 1 X Body weight (kg) X 24
Women's BMR = .9 X Body
weight (kg) X 24
These formulas are reasonably accurate for people with average levels of body fat (i.e., 20% and 28% for men and women, respectively). One kg (kilogram) equals 2.2046 pounds. The higher your body fat percentage, the fewer calories you'll burn (lower activity level, and less muscle to burn calories). The lower your body fat percentage, the more calories you'll burn (bigger muscles burn more calories than little ones).
Thus, it becomes much easier to get rid of fat permanently by increasing your metabolic rate. You
do this by increasing both your muscle mass and your activity level. You can
(and SHOULD) gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time. Never sacrifice
muscle tissue during the fat loss process. Instead, build more muscle to burn
more calories. You'll lose more fat faster, and you'll be more likely to keep it
Your actual daily calorie needs may vary slightly from the tabled
values. To obtain a more accurate estimate, ask an ISSA-certified fitness
trainer to assist you.
KEY TO READING THE CHARTS BELOW Lean Clinical Percent Body Fat Levels Factor Description Multiplier ____________________________________________________________________ 1 "Lean" Men - 10% -- Women - 14% 2 "Normal" Men - 14% -- Women - 18% 3 "Clinically Obese" Men - 20% -- Women - 28% 4 "Chronically Obese" Men - 28% -- Women - 38%
To estimate your average activity level for a 24 hour period, read the INSTRUCTIONS below. You will easily be able to approximate the percentage that most closely describes your lifestyle. This percentage is used in the daily caloric expenditure charts below.
For each of the 24 hours in one of your "average" days, determine your energy expenditure by reading the
descriptions below. Then, multiply your hourly BMR (BMR divided by 24) times
your energy expenditure. Then multiply that figure by your lean factor
multiplier (see the table above). For example, if you are male and your hourly BMR equals 85
calories, and your activity level during that hour was light (300 % for men),
then you simply multiply 85 times 3. Assuming your lean factor is 2 for Normal (see above),
you then multiply 255 times .86. Your hourly caloric expenditure equals 219.3
Do this for each hour of the day, add all of them together, and that is your daily caloric requirement. Be SURE to apportion your daily calories over at least five meals, with each meal reflective of your UPCOMING caloric needs. For example, if you expect to train eat more; if you expect to take a nap, eat less.
-22% | -20% | sleeping |
-0.1% | 0% | Lying down totally relaxed but not sleeping (this is your "basal metabolic rate") |
180% | 200% | Very Light: Sitting, studying, talking, little walking or other activities |
270% | 300% | Light: Typing, teaching, lab/shop work, some walking |
360% | 400% | Moderate: Walking, jogging, gardening type job |
450% | 500% | Heavy: Heavy manual labor such as digging, tree felling, climbing |
540% | 600% | Exceptionally Heavy: Fitness-oriented weight training, aerobic dance, cycling or similar vigorous activities. |
630% | 700% | Sports: Vigorous sports competition such as football, racquetball, tennis or other extended-play sports activities |
720% | 800% | All-Out Training: Extremely high intensity weight training with little rest between sets or exercises |
810% | 900% | Extended Maximum Effort: Extremely high intensity and high duration sports competition such as triathlon, cross country skiing or marathon. |
If you really want to get sophisticated, here is an example of how it's done hour-by-hour for a male weighing 203 pounds with a lean factor of 2.
Body Weight: | 203 pounds | |
Daily BMR: | 2210 | (203 / 2.2046 * 24) |
Hourly BMR: | 92.08 | (Daily BMR / 24) |
Time | BMR | Activity Factor |
Description | Lean Factor |
Calories Used |
12:00 AM to 1:00 AM | 92.08 | sleeping | 15.84 * | ||
1:00 AM to 2:00 AM | 92.08 | sleeping | 15.84 | ||
2:00 AM to 3:00 AM | 92.08 | sleeping | 15.84 | ||
3:00 AM to 4:00 AM | 92.08 | sleeping | 15.84 | ||
4:00 AM to 5:00 AM | 92.08 | sleeping | 15.84 | ||
5:00 AM to 6:00 AM | 92.08 | sleeping | 15.84 | ||
6:00 AM to 7:00 AM | 92.08 | low activity | 158.38 | ||
7:00 AM to 8:00 AM | 92.08 | aerobic exercise | 475.13 | ||
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM | 92.08 | at work, sitting | 158.38 | ||
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM | 92.08 | at work, active | 237.57 | ||
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM | 92.08 | at work, sitting | 158.38 | ||
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM | 92.08 | at work, active | 237.57 | ||
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM | 92.08 | fast walk | 316.76 | ||
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM | 92.08 | at work, sitting | 158.38 | ||
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM | 92.08 | at work, active | 237.57 | ||
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM | 92.08 | at work, sitting | 158.38 | ||
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM | 92.08 | at work, active | 237.57 | ||
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM | 92.08 | low activity | 158.38 | ||
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM | 92.08 | low activity | 158.38 | ||
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM | 92.08 | weight training | 395.94 | ||
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM | 92.08 | low activity | 158.38 | ||
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM | 92.08 | low activity | 158.38 | ||
10:00 PM to 11:00 PM | 92.08 | sleeping | 15.84 | ||
11:00 PM to 12:00 AM | 92.08 | sleeping | 15.84 | ||
Total calories used: | 3689.55 |
All of the values tabled below are based on the conventional method of estimating caloric requirements except that your day's AVERAGE activity level and your body fat percentage is factored into the calculation process (not simply total body weight), and may vary between individuals. Also, slight rounding error may occur.
YOUR DAILY CALORIE REQUIREMENT GUIDE Total Your Average Daily Activity Level Weight Lean & BMR Factor 30% 55% 65% 100% 130% ____________________________________________________________________________________________ M F M F M F M F M F ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 100 1 1418 1277 1691 1522 1800 1620 2182 1964 2509 2259 2 1347 1213 1606 1446 1710 1539 2073 1866 2384 2146 M=1091 3 1276 1149 1521 1370 1620 1458 1964 1768 2258 2033 F= 982 4 1205 1085 1437 1294 1530 1377 1858 1669 2133 1920 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 110 1 1560 1404 1860 1674 1980 1782 2400 2160 2760 2484 2 1482 1334 1767 1590 1881 1693 2280 2052 2622 2360 M=1200 3 1404 1264 1674 1501 1782 1604 2160 1944 2484 2236 F=1080 4 1326 1193 1581 1423 1683 1515 2040 1836 2346 2111 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 120 1 1701 1531 2029 1826 2160 1944 2618 2356 3010 2709 2 1616 1454 1928 1735 2052 1847 2487 2238 2860 2574 M=1309 3 1531 1378 1826 1643 1944 1750 2356 2120 2709 2438 F=1178 4 1446 1301 1725 1552 1836 1652 2225 2003 2559 2303 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 130 1 1843 1659 2198 1978 2340 2105 2836 2552 3261 2935 2 1751 1576 2088 1879 2223 2000 2694 2424 3098 2788 M=1418 3 1659 1493 1978 1780 2106 1895 2552 2297 2935 2641 F=1276 4 1567 1410 1868 1681 1989 1789 2411 2169 2772 2495 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 140 1 1985 1788 2367 2131 2520 2269 3054 2750 3512 3163 2 1886 1699 2249 2024 2394 2156 2901 2613 3336 3005 M=1527 3 1787 1608 2130 1917 2268 2041 2749 2474 3161 2847 F=1375 4 1687 1520 2012 1811 2142 1929 2596 2338 2985 2689 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 150 1 2127 1915 2536 2283 2699 2430 3272 2946 3763 3388 2 2021 1819 2409 2169 2564 2309 3108 2799 3575 3219 M=1636 3 1914 1724 2282 2055 2429 2187 2945 2651 3387 3049 F=1473 4 1808 1628 2156 1941 2294 2066 2781 2504 3199 2880 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 160 1 2269 2042 2705 2435 2879 2592 3490 3142 4014 3613 2 2156 1940 2570 2313 2735 2462 3316 2985 3813 3432 M=1745 3 2042 1838 2435 2191 2591 2332 3141 2827 3613 3251 F=1571 4 1929 1736 2299 2070 2447 2203 2967 2671 3412 3071 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 170 1 2412 2170 2875 2587 3061 2754 3710 3338 4267 3839 2 2291 2062 2731 2458 2908 2616 3525 3171 4054 3647 M=1855 3 2171 1953 2588 2329 2655 2479 3339 3005 3840 3456 F=1669 4 2050 1845 2444 2199 2602 2341 3154 2837 3627 3263 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 180 1 2553 2297 3044 2739 3241 2916 3928 3534 4517 4064 2 2425 2182 2892 2602 3079 2770 3732 3357 4291 3861 M=1964 3 2298 2068 2740 2466 2917 2625 3535 3182 4065 3659 F=1767 4 2170 1952 2587 2328 2755 2479 3339 3004 3839 3454 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 190 1 2694 2425 3213 2891 3420 3077 4146 3730 4768 4290 2 2559 2304 3052 2746 3249 2923 3939 3544 4530 4076 M=2073 3 2424 2183 2892 2603 3078 2770 3731 3358 4291 3862 F=1865 4 2290 2061 2731 2457 2907 2615 3524 3171 4053 3647 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 200 1 2837 2553 3382 3044 3600 3241 4364 3928 5019 4517 2 2695 2425 3213 2892 3420 3079 4146 3732 4768 4291 M=2182 3 2553 2298 3044 2739 3240 2916 3928 3535 4517 4065 F=1964 4 2411 2170 2875 2587 3060 2755 3709 3339 4266 3839 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 210 1 2978 2681 3551 3196 3780 3402 4582 4124 5269 4743 2 2829 2547 3373 3036 3591 3232 4353 3918 5006 4506 M=2291 3 2680 2412 3196 2876 3402 3062 4124 3711 4742 4269 F=2062 4 2531 2279 3018 2717 3213 2892 3895 3505 4479 4032 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 220 1 3120 2808 3720 3348 3960 3564 4800 4320 5520 4968 2 2964 2668 3534 2668 3762 2668 4560 4104 5244 4720 M=2400 3 2808 2527 3348 3023 3564 3207 4320 3888 4968 4471 F=2160 4 2652 2387 3162 2846 3366 3029 4080 3672 4692 4223 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 230 1 3262 2935 3889 3500 4140 3726 5018 4516 5771 5193 2 3099 2788 3695 3325 3933 3540 4767 4290 5482 4933 M=2509 3 2936 2642 3500 3150 3726 3353 4516 4065 5193 4674 F=2258 4 2603 2495 3306 2975 3519 3167 4265 3839 4905 4414 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 240 1 3403 3063 4058 3652 4320 3887 5236 4712 6021 5419 2 3232 2910 3855 3469 4104 3693 4974 4476 5720 5148 M=2618 3 3063 2756 3652 3287 3888 3499 4712 4241 5419 4877 F=2356 4 2893 2604 3449 3104 3672 3304 4451 4005 5118 4606 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 250 1 3545 3192 4227 3805 4500 4051 5454 4910 6272 5647 2 3368 3032 4016 3615 4275 4285 5181 4665 5958 5365 M=2727 3 3191 2971 3804 3424 4050 3645 4090 4418 5645 5080 F=2455 4 3013 2713 3593 3234 3825 3443 4636 4174 5331 4800 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 260 1 3687 3319 4396 3957 4679 4212 5672 5106 6523 5872 2 3503 3153 4176 3759 4445 4001 5388 4851 6197 5578 M=2836 3 3318 2986 3956 3561 4211 3790 5105 4594 5871 5284 F=2553 4 3134 2821 3737 3363 3977 3580 4821 4340 5545 4991 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 270 1 3829 3446 4565 4109 4859 4374 5890 5302 6774 6097 2 3638 3274 4337 3904 4616 4155 5596 5037 6435 5792 M=2945 3 3446 3101 4109 3698 4373 3936 5301 4771 6097 5487 F=2651 4 3255 2929 3880 3493 4130 3718 5007 4507 5758 5182